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Did you know that the US government only bans 30 chemicals? Canada bans 600 chemicals and the EU bans over 1,400! Known endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, high concentrations of heavy metals, and the list goes on, can be found in our personal care products.

After being diagnosed with an autoimmune endocrine disorder and vitiligo, Dr. Allen was infuriated to find out these chemicals were a contributing force to her autoimmunity. So, she joined forces with Beautycounter as a consultant to not only spread the word of the lack of legislature protecting our health but to be a part of the solution.

Beautycounter bans over 1,500 known and potential chemicals that could be harmful to our health while also advocating for more restrictive laws at the legislative level. With the increased risk of incidents of autoimmunity, cancer, and other chronic diseases, we should be able to trust that the products we are using are not harming our health. Safer products that are high-performing while fighting for more resistive laws! Win, win, win.

Curious about which products are best for your skin? Feel free to call the office and we will schedule a 15 min phone consultation!